1115 ramble
10 Sep, 2024
The cats are doing good. Tonight, Michael is here with us. Eda slept with me & Luna two nights in a row. Things have been up & down for me. Not for the cats. Although I guess if you asked Michael, he'd complain that I'm not paying enough attention to him (he's been pretty needy lately). I've been watching the amazing world of gumball recently. very interesting. i don't think i've ever watched this show from start to finish. Not sure if I will keep up a serial watch of this, aka I will break it up with another show maybe. Reminds me of the time I watched My Life As A Teenage Robot, tho for that one it was more for the moments that I felt didn't age well. BUT RIGHT NOW I can't think of what those moments were specifically. Anyways. In the case of gumball, it's just the lol so random humor moments & it's like. Not that deep.
It's really stupid that you can be too qualified for a job. Who cares. Pay me. Ugh. But I also have been yearning so bad to create. I am working on getting my computer worked out & also updating my stupid adobe shit or maybe i'll just go back to final cut fully. Anyways. Because I miss making vlogs and I do plan to make a sock puppet soon, so then I'll be doing a general youtube video via the uuh me going off about the franklin expedition. I am still loving polar expedition stuff. Yet I still find myself wondering dude what the hell is this. But idk, maybe it's just the fact that I think I generally love history but I go through different phases of really obsessing over specific periods of time
Thinking about it, I've had interest in early American history, the victorian and edwaridan eras, a brief stint being real into the civil war for whatever reason (it took me a long time to understand that people truly did not know that slavery was the main cause of that too bc of this), colonial Williamsburg specifically because my family went there for vacation for a bit & I got really into that. Being into American Girl Dolls helped. Sorry for the bad grammar. So Williamsburg got a boost with my interest in Felicity & her novels. Kit Kitteridge was my look a like doll as a child & I got obssessed with the Great Depression and also the Dust Bowl. History class also dictated that I'd end up learning a lot of the background of WW1 & 2, with the Vietnam & Korean wars also being points of note. I have a vague interest in the crimes of the CIA and I shan't say anything more about that because I'm already on lists.
So it isn't the wildest thing for me to get into polar exploration, considering it spans all my fav decades. OH! I also had a time of being very into the two spiritualist movements (the 1800s one and then the following 1920s resurgence, i think at least). Anyways, if some guy in LA can marry puppets and history, then so can I. I mean this. I hope to use my sock puppet to talk about the polar exploration vidoes i've been thinking about, idk, just for fun. Plus I want to get started on my life as a puppeteer. Not sure if that will lead to anything but I'm tired of not being me,
What I mean by this is that the creatures who know me on this planet are only my cats and my good friends. I don't have many, but I have a few. I have a companion, a term I've decided to mean a very special someone to me but not in a romantic way. It's the love the Doctor and their companions have & it can be just as complicated and visceral as any companion/Doctor combo. Context I guess, I'm ace/aro. I'm trying to figure out myself. I'm trans. Transmasc, maybe nonbinary, maybe I'm just a confused man, not sure. I know I'm not a woman, that's the bare minimum I know. Tho I love my feminity. I've given all my cats pronouns, for fun. In all honesty, they are all any pronouns to me. A cat can be a boy and a girl, or both, or one, or neither.
I do have to stop the presses & say that in the gumball episode I'm half watching, the two kids want to be adults and their like number one adult dream is to vote. Like same brother. I wanted so badly to vote and I thought it was such a flext to vote before all of my friends. which to some extent it was, my one friend in high school couldn't vote in the 2016 election depsite being 18 around that time (it was like either day of or something weirdly close) and as you can imagaine the pain suffered from not... being able to try to stop that monster. But yeah. This post has lost me because I'm rather tired. I shall hit the hay, me thinks. Thanks for hearing me listen, if anyone does. Luna is curled up so sleepily, and Michael is opposite her, in almost the same psoition.